Be Proactive Against Fraud
Bamboozled, Hoodwinked, Scammed…there are as many ways to say it as there are ways to prevent it. At East River FCU, we make it easy to be proactive against fraud. Our financial experts recommend the following tools, designed to make the experience hassle-free and user friendly:
Monitor your accounts often. Our free e-services make this easy. Online Banking and Mobile Banking allow quick access to your accounts anytime, anywhere you have an internet connection. Check over your transactions daily to make sure nothing appears out of the ordinary.
Guard your personal information. E-statements and Bill Pay are more free tools available to members to keep account information out of the wrong hands. A paper statement contains account numbers and other information that can be easily intercepted during the mailing process. The same goes for paper checks. With E-statements and Bill Pay, everything can be received electronically and access to these services requires authentication.
Protect your debit card. CardValet is one of the most innovative tools we offer our members. It too, is a free service we provide that allows complete control of your debit card. Turn it on or off, set spending limits, select location and merchant preferences and more. Anyone with a smartphone can download this app and access this added layer of card security.
East River FCU also recommends all members check their credit score, which can be done once a year, at no cost.
For more information about the free e-services mentioned in this article, click here.