Notice of Annual Meeting & Member Appreciation: Tuesday, August 15
East River Federal Credit Union Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation will be held on Tuesday, August 15 with food starting at 4:30 pm and the Annual Meeting at 5:30 pm. It will be held at East River FCU, 220 S. Harth Ave. Madison, S.D. in the parking area south of the branch. Branch will be closed at 4 pm.
In accordance with the Credit Union’s bylaws, the Nominating Committee selected by the Board has chosen a slate of candidates to stand election for the Annual Meeting. The following individuals, listed in random order, are being nominated by the committee for the two vacated positions:
Stacy Krusemark - Incumbent
Tim McCarthy
Mike Jaspers - Incumbent
All elections are determined by plurality vote and will be by ballot at the Annual Meeting except where there is only one nominee for the expiring term. Each individual member, 18 years of age or older, represents one vote in ERFCU elections. Joint account holders and authorized account signers are not members in their own right and are not eligible to vote. Members cannot vote by proxy.
Below, please find each candidate’s statement of interest.
Stacy Krusemark – Madison, SD (Incumbent)
Statement of Interest: For the past 12 years I have been on the East River Federal Credit Union board. It has been a privilege to serve the membership through this position and would happily serve again if reelected. As a board member, I would be committed to continuously learning and allocating the time necessary to serve the membership.
Tim McCarthy – Sioux Falls, SD
Statement of Interest: I have served on a plethora of boards over the course of my career. Each experience has been rewarding in the opportunity to contribute to the positive governance and greater good of the individuals served by these organizations. On a personal level, each experience has allowed me to grow and expand my knowledge of business sectors outside of my primary field. This is a great opportunity to expand my current financial knowledge and support an organization I have been a part of as a member for years now. I feel the experience in my profession, and the experience of my past board service, offers value which will help diversify the overall perspective of the Board. I'm excited for this opportunity and look forward to the challenge.
Mike Jaspers – Sioux Falls, SD (Incumbent)
Statement of Interest: I have just completed a two-year term on the board and would be honored to continue to serve for an upcoming three-year term, if you choose to re-elect me. Learning about the internal workings of the East River Federal Credit Union and the challenges and opportunities it faces, as well as strategies that are currently in place to build upon the past success are things I have greatly enjoyed these past two years serving on your credit union board of directors. My goal for the next three years would be to ensure that your credit union remains a strong and viable financial institution that can support its members as we all go through life's needs and challenges.