Our goal is to bring banking to you, not the other way around.
Let's be honest, technology can be a marvelous tool or an overcomplicated burden.
That's why we spent a great deal of time building Money Manager so that it would help empower you, not slow you down.
You work hard for your money, so when you're off work that time should be spent relaxing and enjoying yourself, not sitting in front of a screen, trying to figure out your finances.
Money Manager is built so that you have clear, intuitive access to your financial information. And it's easy to sync all your accounts like mortgages, car loans, student loans, credit cards - from any financial institution - in one place to get a clear picture of your entire financial life in one spot.
Plus, once it's all there, you can set spending targets and saving goals. You can see what your cash flow looks like on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. And it's all designed with you in mind.
Whether you're on your phone, at a desktop or on a laptop, it's all the same easy, seamless experience. It's banking where you need it, when you need it. And it's our gift to you for believing in us like we believe in you!
And the more of your accounts you add, the clearer the picture you'll get of your entire financial house.
Syncing Your Accounts Is Easy
Money Manager isn't just easy to use, it's easy to set up. Syncing your accounts is just a few easy steps!
How to Sync Accounts
Step 1: On your Dashboard, click "Add" under navigation above your current accounts.
Step 2: Select your account from the available institutions OR use the search feature to find your account.
Step 3: Complete the required account information and select "Connect."
It's that simple. But while you're there, why not set up a few more?