Excited to get your refund? While it may seem nice to get a refund, check out the pros and cons of getting a refund during tax time.
East River Federal Credit Union recently welcomed Erica Clements, Marketing Specialist, to the team.
When was the last time you checked your credit report?
Learn more about how to avoid imposter scams and how to help friends and family do the same.
Figuring out how to prevent debit card fraud can be challenging, as cyber-thieves are seemingly everywhere. Read on to learn what you can do to keep your debit card safe.
Plan ahead for next year with a Holiday Club Savings Account
Let us help you set some goals with Money Manager!
East River FCU adopts remaining angels from Howard Angel Tree
Find out who we picked for our 2019 recipient...
Unexpected expenses this year? In need of a boost for the holidays? For a limited time only, we're offering a special loan to provide a helping hand!